Om du inte visste det redan kan jag berätta att det under ett bra tag nu har pågått ett stort bråk mellan inspelningen av The Hobbit och facken. Det är en konflikt där Peter Jackson själv har utpekats som ansvarig och ställts till svars för orimliga arbetsvillkor.

Jag har inte orkat engagera mig särskilt mycket i det hela, men det har funnits mycket att skriva om. Det är arbetstiderna som har upprört facken i Australien och New Zeeland som uppmanat skådespelare och andra medverkare att inte arbeta. Jackson å sin sida har hotat med att flytta hela inspelningen från New Zeeland.

Det senaste som hänt är att filmbolagen New Line, Warner Bros och MGM har gått ihop med ett gemensamt uttalande för att stötta Jackson. Här är det lilla skriftliga uttalandet i original:

New Line, Warner Bros. Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures are concerned by the recent allegations of unfair treatment of actors in New Zealand and instructions from the performers’ guilds to their membership to withhold services from the producers of “The Hobbit” in New Zealand.

We are proud to have good relations with all of those performers’ guilds and value their contribution to the motion pictures produced in their respective jurisdictions throughout the world. But we believe that in this case the allegations are baseless and unfair to Peter Jackson and his team in Wellington who have been tireless supporters of the New Zealand motion picture community.

To classify the production as “non-union” is inaccurate. The cast and crew are being engaged under collective bargaining agreements where applicable and we are mindful of the rights of those individuals pursuant to those agreements. And while we have previously worked with MEAA, an Australian union now seeking to represent actors in New Zealand, the fact remains that there cannot be any collective bargaining with MEAA on this New Zealand production, for to do so would expose the production to liability and sanctions under New Zealand law. This legal prohibition has been explained to MEAA. We are disappointed that MEAA has nonetheless continued to pursue this course of action.

Motion picture production requires the certainty that a production can reasonably proceed without disruption and it is our general policy to avoid filming in locations where there is potential for work force uncertainty or other forms of instability. As such, we are exploring all alternative options in order to protect our business interests.

Publicerat av Dead-line

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