Sorry all my Swedish friends, this Girl with the Dragon Tattoo post is a special for an english speaking audience.
On the way to and from work today, I walked past the filming set of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (Män som hatar kvinnor, or Men Who Hate Women) on Drottningggatan (Queen Street) and took some pictures, all in a haste should be added. On the way home it was raining and I had a chocolate pastry in a paper bag that fell out and down on the pavement because the paper was broken by rain water. After I finished the session, I bought new and then took the bus home, which took a long, long detour. Drottningggatan is a major thoroughfare and one of the main streets in the student city of Uppsala, the 4th largest city of Sweden.
It’s quite funny, because the Swedish election is in progress. Just on the other side of the set is a square which is the most important meeting place for political activity now. Hollywood goes right into the Swedish zone of politics.
It was interesting to see the filming set. They have changed some part of the facades into an older Swedish style. I can not remember that I even saw a sign saying “milk bar”, not even when I was a kid, but I know that there were such places. It’s all quite nostalgic but also I had a surreal feeling due to the fact that Hollywood invade the city like this, just a few days before the election, and make a small part of Uppsala into an old Swedish city. Possibly the Social Democrats will actually win a few votes on this, because of nostalgia for a nice and somewhat naive “welfare state” of the past.
Please comment in Swedish or English, whatever you feel for. But I would sincerely like to here what you think about this. Are you longing for to know how it’s gonna look like in David Fincher’s movie?
Väldigt kul att du fota lite. :nod:
Vad är det för affär som ligger där Mjölkbar skylten är monterad?
Peter postade nyligen…Veckans Fråga 37-38
Det är servicebutiken “Time” som blivit mjölkbar.
“– Filmen kommer att vara mer åt James Bond-hållet och Matt Damons Bournetrilogi.”
Peter postade nyligen…Veckans Fråga 37-38
Tja, vad hade man förväntat sig? :nod:
Hmm, artikeluppslag: “Internationella filminspelningars påverkan på nationella valprocesser”? 😀
Sofia postade nyligen…City of Hope 1991
LOL! Det skulle ju helt klart ha varit en alternativ titel. 😛
I’ll do a referal post about this if its ok?
Joel Burman postade nyligen…I received two blog awards!
Jag slängde upp din permalink bland kommentarerna på anoumalous materials senaste nyhetsbulletin. Ska bli intressant att höra vad du har för trafikrapporter efter det här inlägget?
Joel Burman postade nyligen…I received two blog awards!
Tack så hemskt mycket! 🙂 Jag återkommer med rapport!
Häftiga bilder! Har Fincher och co själva kommer till Sverige än?
RJ postade nyligen…Släpp fångarne loss- det är vår! 1975
Hej RJ,
Det finns en Stockholmsbild på Rooney Mara i DN. Dom ska filma i flera städer.
Intressanta bilder! Jag ser inte nämnvärt fram emot filmen, men lite behind the scenes är ju aldrig fel. Och lite sug i filmarbetartarmen känner jag allt…
Jag bor nära Uppsala så jag kanske drar dit någon gång för att kolla om jag ser Fincher & Co där. 🙂
Ska bli spännande att se hur filmen blir!
Just some comments on the pictures.
The zebra crossings are painted yellow since that was the style in the ’60s. And “Teletjänst” is not the predecessor to Televerket, it is simply a fictions establishment providing service on tv sets.
Thanks, didn’t know they had yellow’s zebras in the 60’s! 😛
Bilder från inspelningarna i Sollefteå….